radio:radio_oddities [ElectroThoughts]

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Radio Oddities

Radio oddities are unknown broadcasts. Some speculation is that it is for secret spy work, others believe it's just a hoax. Whatever they are they sure are creepy. I have listened to quite a few myself, and sure can tell you it's real. In my opinion however, they aren't something that you should spend your time with trying to decode. They use a system called a “one-time pad”. This is one of the most efficient methods of encrypting messages, and can mean something totally different each time the same numbers are said. It's very difficult to crack them, and spies are usually good at making sure to burn them!

Active Radio Oddities

UVB-76 (The Buzzer) (4625/4810kHz) Click me for info | This station is broadcasting in Russia. Many people think it is a number station, I personally believe that it is to keep a frequency open in case of emergencies. HM01 (Range of frequencies) Click for more info | This is a number station broadcasting in Cuba, and is pointed towards America. E07 (The English Man) (Many frequencies)

Inactive Radio Oddities

radio/radio_oddities.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/20 20:18 by hismartalarms